Welcome to Epona Muse Publishing!

Books that work to redefine the paradigm

At Epona Muse Publishing our goal is to produce works designed to uplift, inspire, inform, and change the way you think about the world. We focus on creating collaborative anthologies dealing with the topics of neurodivergence, writing and publishing, and chronic illness.

Purchase Our First Anthology

Grief is difficult under the best of circumstances. For the neurodivergent brain, processing grief can be more difficult and last longer. In this anthology, individuals tell of their experiences with grief. Death, dying, the loss of previous lives, or friends…all facets of grief are discussed in this honest, yet uplifting anthology.

This book is available in both print and digital formats. If you have a local bookstore, check and see if they’ll order it for you.

Nothing about us, without us.

Epona Muse publishing is queer, neurodivergent, disabled owned and determined to shift the paradigm on discussions around such topics as autism, the publishing landscape, queerness, chronic illness, and disability. Our work may intersect these topics or it may shine a spotlight on a single issue.

If you’re an author, you’re invited to check out our current submission calls and sign up for our newsletter to be notified of new anthology announcements.

If you’re a reader, please sign up for our newsletter so you may find out about anthologies available.

If you have questions, please contact us.

Receive News About New Releases and Upcoming Projects

Sign up for our reader, author, or both newsletters in order to receive information about our new releases and upcoming projects. The author newsletter will provide deadline reminders and updated submission calls.

Reader List (New Release Announcements)

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Author List (Deadline Reminders & Upcoming Projects)

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